Real vs. Artificial Christmas Tree: 4 Things to Consider

Nov 11, 2023

First the Facts

  • There’s no winner, there are pros and cons to each
  • Generally, important factors to consider in the real vs fake tree debate include:
    • Air quality
    • Environmental impact
    • Cost
    • Toxins
  • There are good, better, and best options for both real and fake Christmas trees

Ever since artificial Christmas trees became widely available in the 1950’s, it’s been a question of real versus fake—which is best? Whether you’re team real or fake tree, it’s important to consider the pros and cons of each option so you can make the best choice for your home this year!

In the great Christmas tree debate there are four major factors that are important to consider; the tree’s impact on your home’s air quality, use of toxins, cost, and the impact on the environment to produce it.


Pros and Cons of Real Christmas Trees

You can’t beat the smell of a real, live Christmas tree, there’s just no getting around it! So, two thumbs up for aroma, but what about those other important factors?

Air Quality

Real plants in your home boost the air quality, and we don’t think it’s a stretch to assume a giant tree in your living room is no exception! The other side of that coin is that if you have allergies, that tree in your house may be your undoing. Also, many trees naturally contain mold, and you’re bringing that into your home as well.


The act of growing trees on a farm is theoretically beneficial for the environment, but this is only if they’re not being sprayed with pesticides or herbicides. Sadly, this is only about 1% of Christmas trees you’ll come across on your hunt for the perfect tree.

When Christmas is over, you can chop up the tree’s trunk and use it as firewood then compost the rest of it. This is a much better option than simply putting it on the curb to go into a landfill!


If only 1% of Christmas trees are organic, then that means that 99% of them are sprayed with toxic herbicides and pesticides like gylphosate. This is bad news for the soil, as well as water and air quality!

You’ll have to be picky, but if you can find an organic tree farm then you can avoid exposing your family to harmful chemicals and simply enjoy all those pros of a real Christmas tree!


The cost of a real tree is roughly the same as an artificial one, with the obvious drawback of having to pay for it every Christmas season. You may also have to pay a little more for an organic tree, but it’s so worth it to keep your home and family clean and healthy!

Where to find a nontoxic REAL Christmas tree:

  • GREEN PROMISE has a list of organic tree farmers nation wide.
  • LOCAL HARVEST is another database for organic tree farmers.
  • NATURAL BABY MAMA organized a 2017 list by state.
  • If you don't live anywhere near a farm listed on the above sites, SILVERTIP will ship you an organic Christmas tree.

    ***Please note. I have zero affiliations with any of these companies.

Pros and Cons of Artificial Christmas Trees

Well, if you go with an artificial Christmas tree, you’ll lose out on that wonderful pine-y smell (and we do not recommend using those toxic, synthetic sprays to recreate the aroma). But there are plenty of pros and cons to using a fake tree, so let’s discuss!

Air Quality

Not only is an artificial tree not going to clean your home’s air like a real tree, most of them are sprayed with flame retardants which have been linked to worsening thyroid function, weakened immune system, and other health concerns.

Don’t get us wrong, there is a need for flame retardants—after all, we’ll take damage to the thyroid over burning in a house fire—but it’s still something to consider.


It’s difficult to calculate the exact carbon footprint of the production of a real Christmas tree, but we can say with more precision that artificial trees are more taxing on the environment to produce. Artificial trees are often made and shipped from China, leaving behind a hefty carbon footprint.

One source says that you’d have to have your artificial tree for 10 years before it evens out to the same carbon impact as a real tree every year. In fairness, though, that seems like a real possibility, as long as you find a good quality artificial tree!


Most artificial trees are made with PVC (polyvinyl chloride), which is extremely toxic, both to have in your home and to dispose of. Is it more toxic than the chemicals sprayed on a non-organic real tree? If you find a way to measure this, let us know!

PVC also contains trace amounts of lead, which is a known neurotoxin. Next time you buy a fake tree, take a closer look at the label to see what it’s made of. Find a tree made with PE, which is less toxic than PVC.


Perhaps the biggest “pro” for artificial trees is that they cost much less than the alternative! If you can find a good quality fake Christmas tree—made with PE, remember—then you may only have to pay for your tree once every 10 years or so.

Where to find a nontoxic FAKE Christmas tree:

  • AMAZON has them.
  • WAYFAIR does too.
  • If flocked is your thing, THIS or THAT will do.
  • Personally, I bought THIS one. Check out my instagram @stephaniecenterwellness for photos.

    ***Please note. I have zero affiliations with any of these companies.
    (These are all blends of PE/PVC. I don't see any PVC free on the market. Also, many companies claim that PVC is non-toxic, so that muddies the waters here too).

Real vs. Fake Christmas Tree—Is There a Winner?

In short, no. It all depends on whether you’re able to find the best version of each, and there are tons of options out there!

Think of it this way—when it comes time to pick out a Christmas tree, simply look for the most non-toxic version you can find! Regardless, don’t allow this one decision to weigh on you too heavily.

Happy Holidays and happy tree hunting!


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