Healthy & Homemade: Basic Witch Bars
Oct 26, 2023
Halloween kicks off a season of festive fun that will continue until the end of the year! You’ve got parties, potlucks, and cozy nights in with friends. Wouldn’t you love to bring something not only home made—because let’s be honest, you earn extra points when you show up with something delicious from your own kitchen—but also better for you and your fellow party-goers?
Hold onto your broomsticks because we have a treat for you! Our Basic Witch Bars are the perfect combination of sweet, chewy, and chocolate-y but without all the junk you’re getting in the store-bought version.
Addicted to Your Food? EEK!
Have you ever noticed how you can’t just have one Dorito? Or just one (handful) of M&Ms? That’s because these highly processed foods give your brain a sudden burst of fat and carbohydrates. Fat and carbs aren’t inherently bad, but when we consume them, we feel a happy rush because our bodies are hard-wired to seek them out.
And so, we begin that addictive cycle of one more chip, one more cookie, one more handful of candy, because our brains are signaling that they want more!
So let’s stop the monster before he has a chance to take us over. Here’s the recipe for a healthy and yummy Halloween treat, Basic Witch Bars.
Basic Witch Bar Recipe
These treats are dairy free and gluten free. Plus, if you use all the recommended ingredients, they’re also bee friendly!
You’ll make this recipe in two parts; the base and the topping.
Base ingredients:
2 cups coconut flour
1 tbsp autumn spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, ginger, lemon peel, and cardamom)
½ tsp sea salt
1 tsp organic vanilla extract
½ cup organic tahini
½ cup organic pumpkin puree
½ cup organic dark maple syrup
Topic ingredients:
- 1 cup organic dark chocolate chips
- 2 tbsp organic coconut oil
Cooking instructions:
Mix the dry base ingredients in a bowl
Add the wet ingredients
Knead them together. This should form a crumbly dough.
Pat the dough down in an 8x8 glass dish (I put down a little bit of coconut oil on the bottom so it doesn’t stick)
Place in the fridge
On low heat, combine the chocolate chips and coconut oil until melted
Pour chocolate over the dough and place back in the fridge.
Ready to serve in 1 hour
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