Eat This, Not That: Foods That Worsen PCOS (& Better Substitutes)

Aug 08, 2023

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is an endocrine (hormonal) condition where a woman may experience not just ovarian cysts, but also inflammation, weight gain, chronic stress, and more. These symptoms may feel insurmountable, but it’s important to remember this fact: you’re in the driver’s seat of your body! What you put into your body will absolutely affect how it deals with symptoms of PCOS. So, are you eating these foods that worsen PCOS? Let’s discuss so you’ll know what to avoid, and what to reach for instead so you feel your best!


How Does Diet Affect PCOS?

While there is no cure for PCOS, there certainly are ways to manage and even minimize your symptoms. One way is to pay close attention to your diet. Some foods are inflammatory (lookin’ at you refined carbohydrates and added sugars) which is bad news if you have PCOS. Why? Because systemic inflammation is a common byproduct of PCOS, and you are making it worse if these things are in your everyday diet. 

Many women with PCOS also struggle with weight gain and difficulty losing weight. Given that, it makes sense why you’d need to pay attention to your diet, right? But did you know that the root problem here is actually insulin resistance? Your pancreas produces insulin to help move glucose from the blood into cells, where it’s used for energy.

If your body struggles with insulin resistance it means your pancreas must produce greater amounts of insulin, which can lead to a build up of glucose in your bloodstream and fat cells, raising your risk of diabetes.


Foods to Avoid With PCOS

The following foods increase inflammation, insulin resistance, and will generally make it more difficult to manage your PCOS symptoms. But don’t be discouraged, because there are always better alternatives, and it’s not too late to make the switch!


Soda & Other Sugary Drinks

Whether you’re a Coke or Pepsi person, when you order a soda with your lunch, you’re committing to anywhere from forty to sixty grams of sugar per serving. That’s terrible for anyone, but especially if you have PCOS! Sugar causes your blood sugar to spike, which worsens the metabolic issues of PCOS. 

Sure, soda is public enemy number one, but it’s definitely not the only culprit here. Your sweet tea, pink drink from Starbucks, and other juices and sugary drinks are a major problem for you and your PCOS symptoms. 

Instead, reach for:

  • Unsweetened black or green tea
  • Sparkling water
  • Juiced fruits and vegetables
  • Coconut water.


Processed Snacks

Quite honestly, you can scan your pantry and ditch anything packaged in a box. What do we have against boxes, you ask? If your food comes out of a bag or box from the pantry, there’s a good chance it’s been highly processed for shelf-stability. 

These processed foods—cereals, crackers, chips, and so on—are typically high in carbohydrates and unhealthy fats, which will worsen your insulin resistance. 

Instead, reach for fresh foods:

  • Your fave fresh fruits 
  • Non-starchy veggies like cauliflower, spinach, mushrooms, snow peas, etc.
  • Nuts (think: walnuts, cashews, and almonds)


Boxed Cereals

Here we go with the boxes again. You can easily put boxed cereals in the “junk food” category due to the sneaky amount of sugar found in most of them. Starting your day off with a spike in your blood sugar will simply make your body work harder to combat the effects of PCOS. 

Instead try fresh foods for breakfast:

  • Yogurt with berries
  • Oatmeal
  • Boiled eggs
  • Avocado toast


Fried Foods

You probably saw this one coming; fried food has to go if you want to control your symptoms of PCOS. Most fried foods are high in trans fats, which will disrupt your insulin, worsening inflammation in your body. Chronic inflammation can damage healthy cells, potentially cause internal scarring, and even lead to life-threatening conditions such as cancer and type-2 diabetes.  

What to eat instead? Try foods that will reduce inflammation:

  • Tomatoes
  • High fiber veggies like broccoli
  • Fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines)
  • Fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and kombucha



Most everyone can agree alcohol is best in moderation, but this truism should be your mantra if you have PCOS. Insulin and hormones from the adrenal and pituitary glands (called glucagon), work together to keep blood sugar levels balanced. Alcohol disrupts these hormones that manage your blood sugar levels—no bueno, friends!

Let’s also remember that many alcoholic drinks often contain high amounts of sugar (yes, even wine). There’s no “better substitute” for this one, only a reminder to cap your alcoholic intake to a single glass.


The Bottom Line?

If you struggle with PCOS, sugary and processed foods are particularly problematic. Paying close attention to your diet could significantly impact the effects of PCOS on your body. Luckily, you have so many better-for-you alternatives to choose from, many of which can actually help your body combat things like hair loss and weight gain. You don’t have to go all-in on any crazy diet plans—you can make these easy swaps right now and start feeling the results! 

If you suspect your hormones are out of balance due to PCOS, but aren’t entirely sure, you can download the FREE Hormone Health Assessment right now to check your symptoms against a hormone imbalance checklist. You’ll also get information on possible root causes behind your symptoms, as well as solutions to help heal your hormones naturally!

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