3 Easy Personal Hygiene Swaps for Better Hormone Health

Aug 22, 2023

By now I’m sure you know that harmful chemicals are in nearly every product on our shelves, especially here in the United States. Constantly mounting research proves the harmful effects of exposure to these toxins, and public awareness is rising to demand change. But have you thought about the products you use on a daily basis and what you’re exposing your body to on the regular?

We have three easy swaps you can make to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins and improve your hormonal health immediately!


Toxins and Your Hormones

A “toxin” is an artificial chemical that can, among other things, seriously disrupt your hormone system. Is that really such a big deal, you ask?

Simply put, my friend, YES!

You may have learned about your endocrine system—an intricate network of glands that produces hormones—in the context of puberty (sorry for that flashback to 5th grade). But it’s responsible for more than acne and uncomfortable urges; it regulates all biological processes in the body from conception through old age!

Hormones control essential body functions like hair growth, metabolism, reproduction, and sleep, just to name a few. So, are you cool with introducing things to your body that will disrupt the healthy operation of this entire system? Yeah, us either.

And hormonal disruption is one of several potential risks; many toxins lurking in our food, water, and personal hygiene products are directly linked to cancer and other serious illnesses.

So, whether you use one or all of the following products, we promise that making the switch is worth your trouble—but these swaps are so easy, they shouldn't be any trouble at all!


Dry Shampoo

First, can we all agree that dry shampoo is the real MVP of a generation? šŸ‘ It’s a real life-saver for those days when life doesn’t give you more than a nanosecond to spend on your hair.

But what’s in those aerosol cans of powdery salvation?

Up to 70% of dry shampoos were recently found to contain benzene, a cancer-causing chemical.

Absolutely not, no thanks!

But now that we’re hooked on dry shampoo, we can’t just go back to our greasy ways! So we came up with this easy DIY dry shampoo you can make with just TWO INGREDIENTS:

  • ¼ cup arrowroot starch
  • 2 tablespoons organic, fair trade cacao powder
    *Add cinnamon to darken the shade for darker hair colors

Add these ingredients to a small jar or container. Use a clean makeup brush to apply small amounts to your roots, and work it in gently. Easy peasy, and just as effective as the cancer-causing stuff!



Your dentist has likely told you to brush with toothpaste containing fluoride. But what your dentist probably hasn’t discussed with you is the variety of other places your body is already exposed to fluoride.

Fluoride is in your drinking water, sprayed on your produce as a pesticide, and even in some medications. What’s the big deal, you wonder? Isn’t fluoride safe?

Here’s the deal: fluorine is one of five halogens, which are non-metal elements that share similar properties. Fluorine, along with two other halogens, chlorine and bromine, block iodine receptors in the body.

Thanks for the chemistry lesson, but why does this matter? Stay with us!

Your body uses iodine to make thyroid hormones, which control things like metabolism, which in turn, affects your ENTIRE body.

It’s important to note that your body does not make iodine, you must get it from outside sources. SO! If you’re exposed to an excess of fluorine, your body is losing out on iodine.

Overexposure to fluoride is also associated with:

  • Weak immune system
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Brittle bones

So here’s our swap!

We love Dentalcidin! This fluoride-free toothpaste not only cleans your teeth, it also helps kill bad microbes in the mouth. This means it will even kill the bacteria living on your toothbrush after you use it! Non-toxic ingredients like milk thistle, goldenseal, white willow bark, and clove oil will make you feel a whole lot better about you and your family using it twice a day.

Try Dentalcidin and get 10% off with code: HOLISTIC HOUSE.



Because tampons are classified as “medical devices,” tampon companies are under no obligation to tell us what exactly is in their products. And the smart ones don’t! Because you’d see things like:

  • Polyetheylene (microplastic)
  • Rayon (essentially bleach)
  • Polypropylene (Homopolymer used to make microbeads. This ingredient is currently polluting the Great Lakes.)

The following states are working on legislation banning the use of microplastics: NY, CA, IL, and MN.

Thankfully, there are several organic options to choose from on the tampon aisle, and you won’t see microplastics or bleach on the label of our favorite brand, Organyc! These tampons are made of 100% organic cotton!

That means the cotton isn’t sprayed with pesticides that can leach into your body. That’s right, since tampons reside inside your body, whatever they’re made of or treated with can actually filter into your system. So make the switch today (or sometime this cycle) to protect your hormone health!


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